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ECMAScrip6, often abbreviated as ES6, is the formal specification for JavaScript, defining the standard syntax and core features that JavaScript implementation must follow. The “6” in ECMAScript6 refers to the sixth edition of the ECMAScript standard.

Release of ES6:which is also known as ECMAScript 2015 was released in 2015 and it marked a significant leap in the evolution of JavaScript introducing a wide range of new features and syntax enhancements. It aimed at modernizing JavaScript making it more extensive and easier to work with for developers

Key features of ES6

  1. ‘Let’ and ‘const’ (Block-Scope variables)

  • ‘Let’: Used to declare variables that can change later. It’s similar to ‘var’ but has better control over where the variable is accessible(block scope).

  • ‘const’:Declares a constant variable that can't change after it is set.

  1. Arrow Functions

Arrow functions provide a shorter way to write functions using ‘=>’.They also maintain the context of ‘this’ from where they are defined which can be useful.

  1. Template Literals

Template literals allow you to include variables and expressions in strings more easily, using backticks(‘) and ‘${}’.

  1. Destructuring

Destructuring lets you extract values from arrays or objects and assign them to variables in a single step.

  1. Spread and Rest Operators

  • Spread Operator(‘...’): Spreads elements from arrays or objects into a new array or object.

  • Rest Operator(‘...’): Collects multiple elements into a single array.

  1. Default Parameters

Default parameters allow you to set default values for function arguments, so you don't

always need to provide them.

7. Classes

Classes in ES6 are more structured ways to create objects and manage inheritance they allow you to define objects and their methods clearly

8. Modules

Modules help organize code into separate files allowing you to import and export pieces as needed

9. Promises

Promises manage asynchronous operations like making network requests more cleanly compared to callbacks

10. Async /Await

Async/Await simplifies working with promises by allowing you to write asynchronous code that looks more like synchronous code.

These are some of the fundamental ES6 features that help to write cleaner more efficient easy to read javascript code