JavaScript Operators

JavaScript Operators

Javascript provides a wide range of operators to perform various operations, from simple arithmetic to complex logical expressions. Here is an overview of the key categories of operators in JavaScript

1. Arithmetic Operators

  • Addition(‘+’): used to add two numbers or to concatenate strings.

  • subtraction(‘-’): used to subtract one number from another.

  • Multiplication(‘*’): used to multiply two numbers

  • Division(‘/’): used to divide one number with another

  • Reminder(‘%’): used to return the remainder from a division operation.

  • Exponentiation(‘**’): used to raise a number to a power.

2. Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

  • Simple Assessment(‘=’): used to assign a value to a variable.

  • Combined Assessment Operators: perform an arithmetic operation and then assign the result to a variable.

  • Add and Assign(‘+=’)

  • Subtraction and Assign(‘-=’)

  • Multiply and Assign(‘*=’)

  • Divide and Assign(‘/’)

  • Remainder and Assign(‘%=’)

  • Exponentiation and Assign(‘**=’)

3. Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare values and return a boolean(‘true’ or ‘false’)

  • Equality(‘==’) and strict Equality(‘===’):’==’ checks for equality with type conversion, while ‘===’ checks for equality without type conversion.

  • Inequality(‘!=’) and strict inequality(‘!===’)

  • Greater Than(‘>’) and Greater than or Equal To(‘>=’)

  • Less Than(‘<’) and Less than or Equal To(‘<=’)

4. Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to perform logical operations on boolean values

  • Logical AND(&&): returns true if both conditions are true

  • Logical OR(‘II’) returns true if one condition is true

  • Logical NOT(‘!’): returns the negation of a boolean value

5. Ternary Operators

The ternary operator is a shorthand for if-else statements.

6. Other Operators

  • Comma Operator(‘,’): Evaluates multiple expressions and returns the last one.

  • Typeof Operator(‘typeof’) returns the type of valuable

  • Instanceof Operator(‘instanceof’): checks if an object is an instance of a specific class or constructor.

These are the primary operators in JavaScript.Understanding their functionality and how to use them effectively is essential for writing effective and efficient JavaScript code.