Objects in JavaScript

Objects in JavaScript

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Objects are a fundamental data type in JavaScript, allowing you to store collections of key-value pairs. They are versatile and can represent complex data structures, making them a powerful tool for organizing and manipulating data and code.

  1. Object creation

You can create objects in javascript using different methods

  • Object literals: the simplest way to create an object is by using curly braces ‘{}’ and defining key-value pairs.

  • constructor Functions: you can create objects using constructor functions, which are functions used to initialize objects with properties and methods.

  • Object.create(): this method creates a new object with the specified prototype object
  1. Accessing Object Properties

You can access object properties using dot notation(‘object.property’)or bracket notation (‘object[“property”]’)

  1. Adding and Modifying properties

You can add properties or modify existing ones on the fly

  1. Object Method

Objects can contain functions, known as methods, which can perform actions or manipulate data associated with objects

  1. Object Prototypes and Inheritance

In JavaScript, objects inherit properties and methods from a prototype object. You can create a chain of prototypes to implement inheritance.

Understanding objects and their capabilities is essential for javascript developers. Objects provide a flexible and intuitive way to organize and manipulate data, enabling you to build complex applications easily.