Top 3 Software Development Methodologies.

Top 3 Software Development Methodologies.

Coding methodologies refer to the principles and frameworks used to develop software efficiently, effectively, and with high quality. These methodologies can be applied at different levels from the development of individual software components to managing entire projects or software lifecycles. Here’s an overview of the main coding methodologies


Agile is a software development methodology known for its interactive, flexible, and collaborative nature. It emerged in response to traditional methodologies like Waterfall which were often rigid and struggled to adapt to changing requirements. Agile emphasizes delivering small, incremental changes to customers quickly, allowing for ongoing feedback and continuous improvement.

Core Principles of Agile

Agile is guided by four core values and twelve principles, as outlined in the Agile Manifesto. Here are the key aspects

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: Agile prioritizes communication teamwork and collaboration among team members and stakeholders, rather than strict adherence to processes or reliance on tools.

  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation: Agile focuses on delivering functional software in small increments valuing tangible results over extensive documentation.

  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation: Agile encourages close collaboration with customers or end-users to ensure their needs are met, rather than rigidity sticking to initial requirements.

  4. Responding to change over following a plan: Agile embraces changes allowing for adjustment based on customer feedback, market shifts, or project insights

Interactive and Incremental Development

Agile development is iterative meaning that software is built in repeated cycles and incremental with each iteration adding new features or functionality. This approach allows teams to adapt to changes, test, frequently, and deliver working software regularly.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Agile teams are typically cross-functional with developers, testers, designers, and other roles working together to deliver value. Daily stand-up meetings retrospectives and regular collaboration with stakeholders are common Agile practices.

Customer Feedback and Continous Improvement

A key aspect of agile is ongoing feedback from customers or end-users. Agile teams seek to understand user needs and adapt their work accordingly. Continuous improvement is archived through retrospectives where teams reflect on their processes and identify areas for enhancement.


An agile interactive and flexible approach allows a team to adapt to change deliver value quickly and maintain a focus on customer satisfaction. By promoting collaboration transparency and continuous improvement Agile methodologies have become a dominant force in modern software development


Scrum focuses on delivering working software in short, interactive cycles called sprints, typically lasting one to four weeks. This approach allows teams to adapt to changing requirements, receive regular feedback, and continuously improve their processes.

Scrum Roles

Scrum defines three key roles, each with specific responsibilities:

  • Scrum Master: Acts as a facilitator and coach ensuring the team follows Scrum practices. The Scrum Master removes obstacles facilitates meetings and helps the team improve its processes

  • Product Owner: Represents the stakeholders and customers. The product Owner is responsible for maintaining the product backlog, prioritizing work, and ensuring the team delivers value to the business.

  • Development Team: A cross-functional group responsible for delivering the work with a sprint. The team is self-organizing and collectively responsible for meeting sprint goals.

Scrum Ceremonies(Events)

Scum has a set of structured events to manage the development process and ensure effective communication

  • Sprint Planning: At the beginning of each sprint the scum team meets to plan the work. The Product Owner presents the backlog items to be completed and the development team commits to the work they can achieve during the sprint

  • Daily Stand-Up(Daily Scrum); A brief daily meeting where the development team discusses what they’ve accomplished.what they’ve been working on and the obstacles they have been facing. This helps the team foster collaboration.

  • Sprint Review: At the end of each sprint the team meets with stakeholders to review the work completed the team demonstrates the software collects feedback and discusses any changes to the backlog.

  • Sprint Retrospective: Following the sprint Review, the team reflects on the sprint identifying what went well what didn't, and how to improve the next sprint. This event promotes continuous improvements.

Sprint Structure

Scrum operates in sprints with each sprint having a specific goal and defined duration. The interactive nature of sprints allows teams to adapt to changing requirements and continuously deliver working software

Benefits of Scrum

Scrum offers several advantages, including

  • Adaptability: Teams can quickly adapt to changing requirements and incorporate feedback

  • Transparency: Regular ceremonies ensure all stakeholders are informed about the progress and issues.

  • Collaboration: Scrum fosters teamwork and cross-functional collaboration.

  • Continuous improvement: Retrospective and feedback loops encourage continuous learning and process improvement.

  • Predictability: The regular cadence of sprints allows for better planning and predictability.


Scrum provides a flexible and structured approach to software development, promoting collaboration, transparency, and adaptability. Its focus on interactive development and continuous improvement makes it a popular choice for agile teams and organizations.


DevOps is rooted in the idea of breaking down silos between development and operations teams to create a more cohesive and efficient workflow. The following are core concepts of DevOps

Core concepts

  1. Collaboration and Communication: DevOps emphasizes strong communication and collaboration between development and operations teams as well as with other stakeholders. This culture of collaboration helps reduce friction and, misunderstanding allowing for smoother transitions from development to production.

  2. Automation: DevOps relies heavily on automation to speed up repetitive tasks and reduce human error. This includes automated testing, continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), infrastructure provisioning and deployment

  3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): CI/CD are central practices in DevOps.CI involves integrating code changes frequently, usually through an automated build process with unit tests.CD extends CI by automating the deployment process enabling rapid delivery of software to production.

  4. Infrastructure as Code(IaC): DevOps promotes the use of code to manage infrastructure allowing teams to automate the provisioning, configuration, and scaling of servers and environments.

  5. Monitoring and Logging: DevOps encourages comprehensive monitoring and logging to ensure visibility into the system's behavior and performance. This helps identify and resolve issues quickly, providing valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

  6. Feedback Loops: DevOps incorporates feedback loops at various stages allowing teams to learn from production data, user feedback, and performance metrics. This information drives improvement in the software and development process.

DevOps Practices

DevOps encompasses a range of practices designed to improve the efficiency and reliability of software delivery:

  • Continuous Integration (CI): Developers frequently merge code changes into a shared repository, triggering automated builds and tests. This practice ensures that code changes are integrated early, reducing integration issues and maintaining code quality.

  • Continuous Delivery(CD): Builds on CI by automating deployment processes, and enabling frequent releases to production or staging environments.CD allows teams to deliver software quickly and consistently

  • Infrastructure as Code(IaC): Infrastructure is defined and managed through code, allowing teams to provision and manage environments programmatically. This approach improves consistency and reduces manual intervention.

  • Automated Testing: DevOps promotes automated testing to ensure code quality and reduce regression risks. Automated tests include unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.

  • Monitoring and Alerting: DevOps uses monitoring tools to track system performance, resource usage, and application behavior. Alerts are set up to notify teams of issues allowing for quick response and resolution

Benefits of DevOps

  • Faster time to market

  • Improved collaboration

  • Reduced risk and downtime

  • Greater agility

  • Continuous improvement


DevOps represents a cultural shift in software development focusing on collaboration automation and continuous improvement. By integrating development and operations DevOps promotes a more efficient and reliable software delivery process